3 video analysis plugins simultaneously on board are not enough.
A.I. Tech decide to overcome all the limits and to arrive up to 5!
AI-Retail is the integrated video analysis solution provided by A.I. Tech which allows to improve the selling performance of your business activity: “If you can not measure it, you can not manage it“.
AI-Retail integrated 5 different video analysis modules, able to simultaneously work directly on board of cameras, thought for managing all the possible counting issues that can happen inside a selling activity, and 1 interactive dashboard for the business intelligence allows to have just a click away the statistical data related to the flow and to the staying of the customers.
- AI-People: conteggio delle persone che transitano ai varchi
- AI-Crowd: stima del numero di persone in una area, anche in caso di grande affollamento
- AI-Overcrowd: stima del sovraffollamento in una area di interesse
- AI-Heat: rilevamento delle aree calde e delle aree fredde
- AI-Occupancy: valutazione del livello di occupazione di una area di interesse
- AI-Dash: cruscotto interattivo per l’analisi dei dati