New A.I. Tech and Milestone integrated solution for research and metadata visualization


A.I. Tech video analytics apps are now integrated into Milestone XProtect VMS through Milestone‘s Video Processing Service (VPS) that supports the ONVIF standard for metadata stream transmission.

This integration allows to get the best advantages from the two systems and to market one of the best solutions for visualization and video research based on metadata.

In fact, A.I. Tech apps, thanks to VPS integration, are able to transfer to XProtect not only the event with the metadata (as it happened with the previous integration) but also real time metadata, frame by frame, generated by apps and related to people and vehicles.

So it is possible to transfer bounding box information related to people and vehicles. In particular, with respect to people, there are available gender information, age estimation, ethnicity recognition, while as for the vehicles, it is possible to transfer car model, color, license plate and speed metadata.

All this metadata can be visualized on live stream or on the recorded stream, to improve the experience of the control operator. But, the most important thing, they can be used for forensic research applications. In fact, thanks to the presence of metadata, you can research extremely easily using the Metadata Search available in XProtect.
For example:

  • by using AI-BIO you can search for all women’s faces between 26 and 35 years old.
  • by using AI-TRAFFIC, you can search for all “grey” “cars” that have crossed a specific lane with a speed between 6 and 36 km/h.
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