A.I. Tech was founded as a university spinoff of the Artificial Intelligence group at the University of Salerno. Since the first steps, soon after its foundation, much progress has been made, and today our reputation on the market rewards us for our commitment to steady improvement.

And if you take a look at the CVs of the founding members who shape the scientific ideas and strategies that are transformed into products over time, and put together their experience in the field of artificial vision and artificial intelligence in general, you will arrive at well over a hundred years!

Mario Vento

Mario Vento is a fellow scientist of the International Association Pattern Recognition (IAPR). Currently he is Full Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Salerno (Italy), where he is the coordinator of the Artificial Vision Lab. From 2002 to 2006 he served as chairman of IAPR Technical Committee TC15 on ”Graph Based Representation in Pattern Recognition”, and from 2003 as associate editor of the ”Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis”. His research interests fall in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Image Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
More specifically, his research activity covered Real time Video analysis and interpretation for traffic monitoring and video surveillance applications, Classification Techniques, either Statistical, Syntactic and Structural, Exact and Inexact Graph Matching, Multi-Expert Classification and Learning Methodologies for Structural Descriptions. He authored over 170 research papers in International Journals and Conference Proceedings and serves as referee for many relevant journals in the field of Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence.

Pasquale Foggia

Pasquale Foggia received in 1995 a Laurea degree (cum laude) in Computer Engineering, and in 1999 a Ph.D. in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the ”Federico II” University of Naples, Italy. From 2004 to 2008 he has been Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science and Systems of the same university, while since 2008 he is at the University of Salerno. His research interests include basic methodologies and applications in the fields of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; he is author of several research papers on these subjects. He is a member of the IAPR, and has been involved in the activities of the IAPR Technical Committee 15 (Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition) since 1997.

Gennaro Percannella

Gennaro Percannella is Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Salerno, where he is member of the Artificial Vision Research Group. He received in 1998 the Laurea degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering, and in 2002 the Ph.D. in Electronic and Computer Engineering, both from the University of Salerno, Italy. His interests cover the areas of pattern recognition, video and audio analysis and machine learning in artificial vision, with applications like medical and biological image analysis, robotic vision and intelligent video surveillance. He is a member of IAPR and IEEE. He authored more than 90 research papers in international journals and conference proceedings in the field of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. He serves as referee for many relevant journals and conferences and is in the program commitee of several relevant international conferences. He has participated and coordinated several research projects. He is co-founder, co-owner and past President of the Governing Board of AI Tech srl.

Alessia Saggese

After graduating cum laude in 2010, at the age of 24, in Computer Engineering at the University of Salerno, Alessia obtained her international PhD degree in 2014, awarded jointly by the University of Salerno and ENSICAEN (in France). During her PhD, she worked on tracking algorithms and intelligent video and audio surveillance applications. In 2016, the Italian association of researchers in computer vision and machine learning awarded her the prize for the best PhD thesis in the two-year period 2014-2016. At the age of 34 she became Associate Professor at the University of Salerno, teacher of the courses “Cognitive Robotics”, “Autonomous Driving Vehicles” and “System Programming”. For the last 10 years his research activities have been mainly focused on Artificial Vision and Artificial Intelligence algorithms for Smart Video Surveillance and Cognitive Robotics applications.

Vincenzo Carletti

Vincenzo graduated cum laude in Computer Engineering in 2012 at the University of Salerno, and obtained his international PhD degree in 2016, awarded jointly by the University of Salerno and ENSICAEN (in France). During his PhD he addressed issues related to structural pattern recognition.
Today he is a Researcher (RTD-B) at the University of Salerno, professor of “Embedded Systems” and “Advanced Embedded Systems”. His research interests include the optimisation of Artificial Intelligence algorithms for Embedded Systems and Adversarial Machine Learning techniques.
