AI Smart is the wide and diverse constellation of apps available to monitor, supervise, and characterise events and the behaviour of people or vehicles.
The apps use the most modern and sophisticated scientific methodologies of deep learning and have as their primary task that of generating an event associated with a situation of interest (e.g. a vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road) with all the data of interest for perfectly characterising the event itself (in the previous example the number plate, the speed, the colour, the make and model of the car, the class it belongs to, the lane used, etc.).
The wide variety of available plugins is grouped into the following sections:

AI-Smart Retail

AI-Smart Retail includes all the plugins needed to monitor your point of sale, in the most universal sense of the term; it includes counting people at a gate, assessing the crowd occupying an area, the time density map as well as biometric profiling of people in the area.

AI-Smart Surveillance

AI-Smart Surveillance includes all plugins required for indoor and outdoor surveillance and security; it includes selective intrusion detection, it may be activated and/or excluded for single or multiple categories (person, animal, vehicle), detection of anomalous behaviour (abandoned luggage, loitering, falling to the ground, onset of panic) and alarm situations for fire and/or smoke. The platform also includes a plugin for monitoring ATMs in order to prevent attacks preceded by anomalous behaviour of the attackers.

AI-Smart City

AI-Smart City is the solution that includes all the functionalities necessary for the management of a modern city, encompassing applications for the analysis of people, vehicles, and urban spaces. The video analysis applications from A.I. Tech turns the surveillance cameras installed in the city into smart devices capable of producing data useful for city management, such as information on vehicular or pedestrian flows, but also alarms to notify situations of potential danger arising from the behavior of people and drivers or the presence of fires. The applications composing this solution can detect the presence of overcrowding in squares or during events and demonstrations, vehicles going the wrong way, crossing intersections with the red light, U-turns and stationary vehicles on the road, but also the presence of people or vehicles on level crossings present in the city.

AI-Smart Transportation

AI-Smart Transportation includes all the functionalities useful for data collection for vehicular traffic management in a modern city.
The solution includes intelligent traffic monitoring through the detection and analysis of pedestrians and vehicles for the collection of statistical information; such as the number and type of vehicles passing through the areas under analysis and the estimation of average speed or the analysis of potentially dangerous behaviors, like driving the wrong way, crossing intersections with the red light, U-turns, stationary vehicles or pedestrians on the road. It is also possible to detect the presence of congestion, with the possibility of automatically signaling them through variable message panels. Finally, the solution also allows for the analysis of vehicular flow at intersections and the construction of an origin-destination matrix.

AI-Smart Parking

AI-Smart Parking includes all the plugins needed to manage parking areas, both bordered and not. It includes real-time identification of available and occupied parking lots, and for the latter it collects information on the parked vehicle, incorporating number plate recognition, vehicle classification and counting of people who have left and/or entered each vehicle. It allows the detection of anomalous behaviour of pedestrians wandering in the car park with unclear intentions.

AI-Smart Total

If you don’t know what to choose and need all the apps, we have the solution for you. It is a special licence, AI-SMART TOTAL, which does not activate a single app, but gives you the possibility to activate all A.I. Tech video analysis apps for a single stream captured by a camera. For example, you can decide to use this special licence to activate during the day, on the cameras inside your shop AI-RETAIL-DEEP to count people and estimate crowds, and at night on the cameras outside your shop AI-INTRUSION, to detect intrusions. There are two versions of this licence, depending on which app you need to activate. In particular, with the AI-SMART TOTAL licence you can activate AI-People, AI-Crowd, AI-Heat, AI-Occupancy, AI-Heat+, AI-Intrusion, AI-Lost, AI-FaceDetect, AI-ATM, AI-Spill, AI-Masking, while with the AI-SMART TOTAL-PRO licence you can activate AI-Retail, AI-Retail-Deep, AI-People, AI-Crowd, AI-Crowd-Deep, AI-Heat, AI-Occupancy, AI-Bio, AI-Heat+, AI-Security, AI-Intrusion, AI-Lost, AI-Fire, AI-Smoke, AI-Fire+, AI-FaceDetect, AI-PPE, AI-ATM, AI-Spill, AI-Parking, AI-Road3D, AI-Incident, AI-Road3D-Deep, AI-Incident-Deep, AI-LPR, AI-Violation.

Common functionalities to the apps

Regardless of the specific purpose of apps and the specific application areas in which they can be used, let’s discover some of the common functionalities.


If your camera does not have this functionality, don’t worry. All apps can generate events when tampering events occur.


In all the apps masking of moving objects can be activated, in order to be compliant with all kinds of privacy requirements.

PTZ Handover

Do you need to control a PTZ camera when an event occurs? With the ability to trigger a sequence of HTTP calls, you can bring the camera to the desired pre-set, start the PTZ tracking (if available on the camera) and bring the PTZ camera back to the home position after a configurable amount of time.


This is the app’s built-in dashboard, which allows you to have the data for that specific camera at your fingertips at all times (even on camera, if you have an SD card).

Activation on a time basis

Apps can be activated on a time basis, only in specific time intervals, e.g. from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. . In addition, for server or embedded apps, it is also possible to specify the day (e.g. Monday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.).

Dynamic activation via software

In addition to time-scheduling, you can activate your apps dynamically, through software calls, via HTTP GET requests that allow you to operate in two modes: impulsive and level-based. In the first case, you have a single START request and the app will remain active for a certain predefined amount of time. In the second case, you have one START request and one STOP request to control the app.


What are the advantages of choosing A.I. Tech? Let’s find out some of them.

Accuracy and reliability

The company’s ten-year experience on the video analysis market, combined with the thirty-year experience of the A.I. Tech team in the field of artificial intelligence and the most recent deep learning methodologies, allow to design and implement advanced algorithms, which are extremely accurate and reliable.

Notifications on multiple channels

Integrating the events generated by video analytics products with third-party systems is essential; for this reason, the A.I. Tech apps natively support over 20 notification mechanisms to third party systems, which include market VMS, or standard protocols (such as HTTP, MODBUS or MQTT).

Open and integrable

Thanks to the availability of public and freely available APIs, the events generated by the A.I. Tech can be integrated into any external system.


The engineering and optimization of the algorithms allows you to process a large number of video streams in parallel, as well as to activate multiple applications at the same time directly on the camera. In fact, although the apps are based on deep neural networks, these are made by the team of A.I. Tech, optimized to keep the performance very close to that of the best deep networks (large and extremely expensive from a computational point of view) but reducing the required resources hundreds of times.


Over 20 are the platforms supported by the A.I. Tech apps. The apps can in fact be installed directly on the camera (edge side), on a server or in the embedded version, namely integrated in the AI-APPLIANCE solution. To find out the details we suggest you consult the following link

GDPR compliance

All A.I. Tech apps allow you to follow a privacy by design and by default approach (Article 25 of the GDPR), as well as ensure the adoption of data minimization, anonymization and pseudo-anonymization techniques. The short declaration of A.I. Tech is available at the following link.

Simple to set up

The configuration of the A.I. Tech apps can be done through a web dashboard, which makes configuration a simple and intuitive operation. User manuals and training courses are also available online, accessible free of charge and at any time, allowing you to quickly become experts in the use of A.I. Tech video analysis apps.

Design support

A.I. Tech does not abandon its customers and partners at any stage of the proposition. Thanks to the use of the AI-DESIGNER tool, it is possible to design a video analysis system, automatically determining the maximum detection distance for the objects of interest in a specific application, in a few simple steps.
