AI-DESIGNER is the site planning tool that A.I. Tech provides to support its partners and customers during the planning phase of intelligent video surveillance systems.
This is typically a very time-consuming operation, as it is not possible to give a generic answer to the question: what is the maximum detection distance?

The answer is “It depends!”. In order to calculate the maximum distance at which an object and therefore an event of interest can be detected, it is necessary to identify the camera that you want to use (or at least the characteristics of its optics), the height and the angle at which you will install this camera. Finally, we need to define the app we wish to use, the specific target for that app (for example, whether we wish to detect intrusion by a person or a vehicle), and the resolution at which we wish to perform image processing.

Design your intelligent video surveillance system in 4 steps

AI-Designer makes it possible to speed up the design of systems by positioning cameras on a map (both indoors and outdoors) in 4 simple steps:

  • Choose the optics of the camera you wish to use and its installation details

  • Choose the video analytics app you wish to use and the target of interest

  • Position the camera on the map and display the detection cone based on the chosen app

  • Export the pdf report containing the shooting cones on the map you have chosen
